This was our last week with our wonderful student teachers,
Sarah and Olivia. While it was
incredibly sad to see them go they made sure we had a great last week with
Division 1 made beautiful Batik art with Sarah. First the students drew their picture on paper, next they put a white piece of cloth over top and traced their drawing with special glue.
Once the glue dried, they painted their cloth and Sarah took
them home to wash and press them.
They turned out GORGEOUS! Sarah made Division 1 a Batik cloth that she framed to be hung in the class to remember her by.
On Friday, Division 1 boarded an airplane back to Canada. Their African trip was a blast and they learned so much but it was time to come home. The students
enjoyed an in-flight service snack and were drilled by Wendy the “border
guard” when entering back into Canada.
Division 2 Worked really hard all week preparing for their
African family party on Thursday afternoon. The students prepared several stations where they got a
chance to teach their parents a little bit of what they have learned about
There was basket weaving.
Jewelery making
Pin the trunk on the elephant
A sound game, teaching the parents about Africa's Big 5
The party had other stations such as guessing how long it takes to fly from Vancouver to Ghana and learning how to make Jollof rice and getting a chance to taste it. For the grand finale of their African party, Division 2
performed an impressive African drumming and dance routine.
The beginning of the week had such great weather that both
divisions played fun games out in the sun for gym class. First we played
Shadow Tag. A game where ten
students were “it” and the rest of the students had to run away while the “it’s”
tried to freeze them by stepping on their shadows. The students got very sweaty but had a great time.
Next, we played a game of Grounders. The teachers were 'it' and it didn’t take
long for everyone to get caught.
Later in the week when the sun decided to hide, the students
had fun playing Dr. Dodge ball.
On Friday afternoon, we surprised Sarah and Olivia with a
big goodbye party with all the families.
There was a huge table packed with delicious treats and everyone had a
wonderful time.
To start off our party the students “popped up” and said why they love Sarah and
Next, the classes presented each student teacher with their own hand
made class books to help remember the students by. Each student wrote why they loved their student teacher and
drew a beautiful picture. 

While there were many tears shed there were great memories
made throughout the student’s time with both Sarah and Olivia.
We will miss you both so much. Thank you for all your love and support and best of luck
with your new teaching careers! We
hope you will come back to visit us soon!
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