Saturday, 1 December 2012

Meal time for spider

This week we learned about what spiders eat, and how they catch and consume their food.

The venom in a black widow spider liquifies its prey so that it can easily consume it. To demonstrate this for the children, small groups of students were given a sugar cube and a glass with some water, They watched the sugar dissolve as the "venom" went to work.

Following this activity, each child made a black widow out of paper to hang on our classroom web.

We also spent some time sorting the things spiders DO and DON'T eat. Small groups of students worked together to create a web of items that are consumed by spiders, and below added the things that are not consumed. Poor spiders never get to eat ice cream.

In math, Wendy and Jenny's group is working with adding 10 to a number, and showing their thinking with the Base 10 blocks.

In Karen and Jen's math group, we are using a number line to play games that teach us how to count on, create sets, and begin simple addition to 10.

Our UBC Teacher Candidates, Sarah and Olivia, were back this Thursday. It was wonderful to have them working and learning again with your children. They will continue to be with us every Thursday until April when they will begin their 10 week practicum. 

Sarah and Olivia read a marvelous book to the class, Aaaarrgghh, A Spider, by Lydia Monks:

Then had the children create a spider web scene using black paper, pastels and glitter. The results are stunning.

We have introduced a new game of spinning tops during choosing time. The children are creating their own ways of playing with these new toys. While having fun, the children are also strengthening the muscles in their hands which, in turn, help them with the pencil grip and printing.

Each day our classrooms have a "special helper". This child leads Calendar Time, hands out work, is the head of the line when we go out, and does other special jobs. They also get to be "Reader of the Day" at the end of our Booktime. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to read a book aloud to the class, and the children all look forward to it.

Upcoming Important Dates:

  1. Holiday Concert: Wednesday December 19. Please note the two times: 1:15pm and 6:30pm. Each family will get 2 tickets to attend ONE concert time. Further details will be sent home in a notice next week.
  2. Cocoa and Caroling: Friday December 14. 10:15 to noon. Please join us as we wander the neighbourhood singing Holiday songs! We will finish with a cup of hot cocoa in the lunchroom.
  3. Poinsettia pick up: Thursday December 6, before and after school in the main hall.

We look forward to seeing you this week for our Student Led Conferences. The children are very excited to share their learning with you. It has been a fantastic first term and we cannot wait for your children to show you all they have been doing!

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