Once again, our week was filled with many eventful activities and experiences.
On Monday, Divisions 1 and 2 celebrated our 100th day at school. Thanks to all for bringing in 100 items for counting.
100 day activities included:
1) Drawing their items,
2) Sorting 100 items into different sized groups such as 50, 25 and 10,
3) Predicting how they will look at the age of 100 (this one's a keepsake!).
During the afternoon, we had the pleasure of meeting some nursing students and a strange creature named Bugsby. They talked to us about the importance of washing our hands properly and thoroughly.
Here's Bugsby!
We practiced washing our hands then examined them under a magical, germ detecting light! Yick!
On thursday, we listened to Beethoven's Symphony Number 5. The children discussed the types of instruments they heard in the piece.They also talked about how the first movement of this symphony made them feel. Words such as happy, sad, worried, panicked, and startled came up.
Then we had a great discussion about the person who composed this music. Who do you think this person is? What do you think this person looks like? What type of person do you think he or she is?
Next, the children set off to create a portrait of this unknown person.
Finally Ludwig Van Beethoven was revealed and the students talked about how their impression of the unknown composer matched the real Beethoven.
As you know, we will be going to the Orpheum to listen to works from Beethoven. We are learning Ode to Joy so that we can sing along with the symphony on Thursday. Olivia brought her violin to play for students and just happened to have Ode to Joy in her repertoire!
Finally the big day of Hip Hop arrived! During the morning, all classes had the opportunity to enjoy a full performance by everyone as well as a professional hip hop group, their hip hop instructors and even the teachers!
Here are a couple of clips of Div 1 & 2's dance routine.
So much fun!!
Reminders for next week:
-Field trip to the Orpheum this Thursday morning. Students will be travelling by bus.
-Dress for the symphony on Thursday!
-Bring a pocket snack for Thursday's field trip.